Snow! I have to admit I was skeptical of all the hype this storm received. After living in Colorado it is hard to believe we would ever get anything worth calling snow here in North Carolina. I was wrong!
"What is this stuff?"
"We have cold feet!"
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the snow and stayed safe. The animals here at the farm didn't quite know what to make of it all. The pigs ate it and nose it curiously. The chickens, well to put it kindly, I think their brains froze. They lacked the good sense to go into their shelter onto dry ground and stood in a penguin mass, hopping from one foot to the other, under the trees. We had to assist them into their shelter before the froze their toes!
During the snow storm we had to repeatedly brush the snow of the chicken shelters to keep them from collapsing. As I went out extra early in the morning I was hoping not to kind some kind of disaster.
I love your site, keep it up!