Bluebird CSA

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26, 2012  Wonderful Endless Fall
Sneak peak...
Broccoli. This fresh cut wonder is broccoli like you’ve never had it before! Juicy, succulent stems are the delicacy here…the florets are yummy, but garden fresh broccoli stems are amazing and full of sweet juice! Hurry, there might be broccoli monsters waiting at the market tomorrow.
Head lettuce is at its prime…and so are the radiant Swiss Chard bunches. 
Thick Pork Chops- Try baking apples and serving with grilled chops.  Or try my favorite Honey Roasted Pork Chops recipe. 
Chorizo Sausage is back! It comes in link sausages now too.

This is the last regular Morganton market this fall. We have lots of beautiful veggies and tasty pastured pork for you tomorrow morning. My family will be at the market for me.  William and I are presenting in a forum at Carolina Farm Stewardship’s Sustainable Agriculture conference.
~~~Farmer Fridays at the Brewery in Morganton on Fridays from 5-6:30pm. November 2nd, 10th, and 17th.  That is next Friday. We have a garden full of veggies on the farm still!~~~

Pastured Pork: We have our delicious pastured pork again! We’d like to thank our wonderful hogs for providing high quality meat for all of us. Thick pork chops, chorizo sausage, Italian sausage, Bratwurst, Country Sausage, shoulder roasts, ham roasts, fresh bacon, ribs, and ground pork.

Fall and Winter Markets:

~~~Find us at the brewery in Morganton on Fridays from 5-6:30pm. November 2nd, 10th, and 17th.
There are still several fall and holiday markets in November and December, and we will be at several Special Order Markets from November- March! Place your advance special orders on our Online Farm Store.

                  This week’s garden harvest-raised using 100% organic methods-no chemical fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides.  Hooray for garden delight!
Broccoli- Can you believe I never really enjoyed broccoli until I grew my own garden delight broccoli? It is so good! Did you know that most U.S. broccoli is shipped from California? This is because the East Coast doesn’t have a broccoli trade association that deals with the grocery stores.  What a shame, because freshly harvested broccoli is tastier than the older shipped crowns of broccoli.
Kale- We have been sautéing the kale with red peppers.  Served with some sausage or mmmmm…  This week we have all three of our favorite types of kale, tender red Russian, heirloom lacinato (dinosaur kale) and traditional full bodied curly kale.
Swiss Chard- a great addition to late summer mixed vegetable dishes.  Use in place of spinach for spinach and rice stuffed sweet peppers or in a tomato sauce served with pasta.
Collards- Baby collards, broad tender leaves
Head Lettuce- beautiful green and red head lettuce, tasty buttercrunch variety
Arugula- Fresh salads! How about some red bell pepper with the peppery arugula?
Sweet Hakurei turnip- pronounced “Hawk-er-rye”.  These pure white sweet things are sweet, crisp, and crunchy. These tender turnips aren’t cooked- they are eaten raw.  Eat them raw in salads with greens or shredded into a slaw with carrots. Don’t like radishes? Try these sweet turnips.
Daikon radish- this giant white Asian radish looks like a white carrot.  These tender crispy roots are grown in the fall.  We shred and salt it and add it into salads. 
Baby Lettuce Mix- Tender and buttery baby lettuce mix. Mix with arugula and apples for a delicious fall salad.
Cherry tomatoes- little gems of sunshine. Intense flavors.  Get them while they are still here!
Tomatoes- Just a few tomatoes- ripe from the vine.  Our plants are still out there, producing a few tomatoes here and there.
Bell Peppers, Sweet Bell and Italian Frying Peppers- no synthetic chemicals.  Red and ripe! So sweet and ripe. Amazing raw or cooked.

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