I took a trip south on beautiful Highway 64 to the RS Central High School Farm on Saturday morning to buy young pigs at the spring FFA auction.
The auction was held in the RS Central High School Farm's barn, and each pig got a chance to shine in the spotlight as it passed through a middle corral and the crowd placed bids on it. The RS Central High FFA members worked hard behind the scenes to organize the auction, keep the pigs passing through the corral, and load the vigorous, wiggly 35 lb pigs into buyer's trucks.
The proceeds of the sale of each of the 40+ pigs supports the FFA program and farm at RS Central High School. Several local businesses also sponsored pigs with donations of over $100 per pig.
I'm very impressed with the all the hard work of high school students at RS Central!
We're the proud new owners of 5 very healthy, vigorous Red Wattle/ Hampshire and Berkshire cross pigs!
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