Beginning Saturday May 8th you will find us at the Downtown Morganton Farmers' Market 8-noon, located behind Geppettos. Beginning in mid-April we will also be at the Downtown Hickory Farmers' Market on Wednesday from 12 to 5:30 and at the Conover Farmers' Market on Saturdays from 8 to 12:30.
We have been busy as bees in the garden. Our first round of transplants was moved from the greenhouse to their new home in the wide world of sky and soil. We planted lettuce, spinach, cabbage, kale, and broccoli. We look forward to some yummy greens in 4-8 weeks.
After planting everything we sprayed the leaves with fish emulsion. Fish emulsion is a fertilizer approved for organic production. The plants actually take in the nutrients through their leaves. This is important because they don't have very developed root systems to find nutrients in the soil. By providing a little burst of food through the leaves they get a good jump on root growth. This will allow them to begin searching out their own food and water.
We have been watching the soil temperature as well for direct seeding. The temperature in our garden at 4" depth read 48 degrees Fahrenheit today. At 2" it was slightly warmer at 49. This is on the cool end of acceptable for a wide variety of vegetables. We have planted peas, salad mix, radishes, and arugula. There is more on the list, but the rain came. Seeding is hard in the rain because you can't allow any seeds you aren't ready to plant to become damp.
The chickens enjoy their new mobile nest boxes.
The pigs got a new paddock. We seeded their old paddock to a cover crop mix before they left. This allowed them to trample it into the soil. Now they are busy working to transform a new forest edge into pasture.
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