Bluebird CSA

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beautiful Spring Light and Broccoli

We have been busily preparing soil and transplanting baby vegetables. It is best to transplant young plants after the heat of the day. This gives them the evening and night to get over some of their shock, allowing them to cope with the next day's heat better. Sometimes it is tiring to be out in the field that late, but we are often rewarded with wonderful sunsets or clouds that we would otherwise have missed. Enjoy!

Marie cultivates a bed.

Baby kale in sunset light.

Cover crop in stormy sunset.

The sun set underneath the clouds shining on the bottom land and the South mountains.

Will Coffey and Marie plant kale with our new back saving tool-the hatfield transplanter.

Baby broccoli getting a drink (see the sparkling water droplet coming out of the irrigation tubing?)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Planting Season on Bluebird Farm

Wow, March just flew by. The arrival of spring brings a whole new level of activity to the farm: soil preparation, seeding in the greenhouse, animals out on pasture, and transplanting. Everyday as we work in the field we can practically watch the grass get greener and the blossoms on the trees open up. One morning I noticed that the flowers on our magnolia were looking full and ready to burst. By that afternoon the trees were practically in full bloom. It is amazing to see and smell the plants waking up.

Misty the horse, Sweet Pea the sheep and Clyde the (very fast growing) Sheep-Horse-Dog

Some of our early vegetable starts just a few weeks ago. Some of these are already in the ground!

Beautiful Crabapple blossoms on the way to our garden.

Happy meat chickens on grass!

Row cover protecting young lettuce transplants from the vagrancies of spring weather.

William and a volunteer-Jenny. She has been a great help getting plants in the ground on time! This was just last week in full coats and hats on a wet chilly day.