Bluebird CSA

Thursday, February 24, 2011


We all enjoyed a week of warm weather and spring like conditions (although we wouldn't mind a little rain with our sun). Everyday at Bluebird Farm we are doing spring activities from preparing for our first meat chicks of the season, to preparing soil for potatoes, to starting onion transplants in the greenhouse.

Seeds arrive!

Preparing for chicks.

They're here!

Preparing the potato beds.

The pigs would like to help drive.

Potato beds.

Spring means more eggs. And new eggs! The chicks we got in October laid their first egg today!

A watchful rooster.

We're looking forward to a great year with everyone. Check the blog and our website to stay up to date on farmers market openings and other spring happenings at Bluebird Farm.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Winters can be long and dark, but if we ever need entertainment there's always the animals-better than cable!

Curious hen

Watchful Rooster

Hungry Ewe

Clyde and his "Mama"